Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas, Químicas y Naturales de Zaragoza
Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas, Químicas y Naturales de Zaragoza

Monografía 29 - Groups, Geometry and Physics

Ed. Jesús Clemente-Gallardo y Eduardo Martínez. 2006.

(listado de monografías)


Two spectral parameter transfer matrix and alternating spin systems
Julio Abad y José G. Esteve

Symplectic Field Dynamics
Manuel Asorey

Expansions of algebras and superalgebras and eleven dimensional Cremmer-Julia-Scherk supergravity
José A. De Azcárraga

Poisson coalgebras, symplectic realizations and integrable systems
Ángel Ballesteros, Alfonso Blasco y Orlando Ragnisco

Special Holonomy Manifolds in Physics
Luís J. Boya

Reduction and projection of Dirac structures
Iván Calvo y Fernando Falceto

Lie Algebroid exterior algebra in gauge field theories
Jaime R. Camacaro

On the relation between control systems and Lie systems
Jesús Clemente Gallardo

On the geometry of higher order ordinary differential equations and the Wuenschmann invariant
Mike Crampin y David J. Saunders

On the concept of force in Lagrangian mechanics
José Fernández-Núñez

Courant-Nijenhuis tensors and generalized geometries
Janusz Grabowsky

From N=2 supersymmetric classical to quantum mechanics and back: the SUSY WKB approximation
Miguel A. González León, Juan Mateos Guilarte y Marina de la Torre Mayado

Hidden symmetry and Hopf algebra
José M. Gracia Bondía

The Kepler problem on 3D spaces of variable and constant curvature from quantum algebras
Francisco J. Herranz y Ángel Ballesteros

Integrability of Helmholtz conditions
Carlos López

Geometrical Structures emerging from Quantum Mechanics
Giuseppe Marmo, Alberto Simoni y Franco Ventriglia

AV- Bundles, Lie algebroid theory and the inhomogeneous cosymplectic formulation of the dynamics in jet manifolds
Juan Carlos Marrero

The momentum equation
Eduardo Martínez

Cartan An series as Drinfeld doubles
Mariano A. del Olmo, Ángel Ballesteros y Enrico Celeghini

Symmetries, bi-Hamiltonian Structures and Harmonic Oscillators
Manuel F. Rañada

Some topics concerning the theory of singular dynamical systems
Narciso Román Roy

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